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Reviews by category 

  • EM Sneakers Fendi Match Low Top Grey Suede
    I’m going to just say, that they’re worth every penny. They’re light weight & comfortable. I have started to wear them daily now that I’ve purchased them.
    • EM Sneakers Fendi Match Low Top Grey Suede review 0
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  • EM Sneakers Fendi Match Low Top Grey Suede
    These are probably the most comfortable shoes I've ever slipped into for the first time. No pinching, binding or crushed toes as my feet, which are quite wide, gradually stretch out the fabric to accomodate. The fabric may possibly be too accomodating for any physical activity such as jogging or playing sports. I work out by weight training so I'm probably not the right person to comment on their suitability for active sports but I'm pretty sure that these shoes won't give you an assured stance as you rapidly move about, run or change direction for instance while playing tennis or badminton.
    • EM Sneakers Fendi Match Low Top Grey Suede review 0
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  • EM Sneakers Fendi Match Low Top Grey Suede
    The best leisure shoe i've ever bought.
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